Monday, 4 May 2015

Ten Ghosts of England – Berkshire

No 1 – Girl in a Yellow Dress

Located in Windsor Forest – Callins Bridge, there has been reports of sightings of a girl with dark hair, if you follow her she will lead you to a mass grave of Soldiers killed in a Civil War.

No 2 – Airman

an Area around the White Swan Pub in Newbury a World War One airman was spotted by a driver and his passenger, they approached the uniformed man to offer him a lift but he had vanished. Later on when the two of them had stopped by the White Swan Pub and told their story, they had the strange feeling that the locals knew about the airman, but were unwilling to say anything about the matter.

No 3 – William Field

William Field was a farmer who committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn, though that must not have been the end of his plan as his ghost was reported to be haunting the neighbourhood until he was exorcised many years later. His spirit was forced into a pond, using a stake to keep him there.

No 4 – Mary Blandy

Mary Blandy, a woman who was hanged in 1752 for murdering her father by poison. Mary's ghost is now believed to haunt the Little Angel Public house in Remenham.

No 5 – King Charles 1 Mistress

Room 3 of the George Hotel in Wallingford is reportedly haunted by the mistress of King Charles 1 she shortly died after his execution. Room 5 is also supposed to be haunted by two children who stand by the wash basin.

No 6 – Man in a Cap

In West Hendred a man in a cap is reported to dart out into on coming traffic causing drivers to break hard or swerve, most believing it was too late to avoid a collision, but upon checking to see how the man is he's vanished with out a trace, leaving drivers and passengers baffled.

No 7 – Lady on a White Stallion

in the south of Town in Hungerford a Woman riding a white stallion has been seen galloping across the road only to disappear once reaching the other side. Also in the same area there has been reports of a mysterious hooded figure riding a bicycle.

No – 8 Man in a Coat

Park Farm in Lambourn was home to all manner of ghostly happenings as people would hear footsteps with no one else around and other unexplainable strange noises until finally one day an entity wearing a coat and hat was seen. Though two Vicars were called out to bless the property and this seems to have stopped all the odd goings on.

No 9 – Mrs Hester

In Eton, Mrs Hester is reported to haunt her old bedroom, people have heard her walking around the bedroom and staircase and is supposed to bang on closed doors, while the door to her bedroom will open all by itself.

No 10 – A Police Officer

Again in Eton, old habits die hard, a Local policemen would always stop by and share a drink of tea with two watchmen, when for two nights in a row the watchman would hear the policeman pull up on his bike and walk up to the office but never enter, when they had mentioned this to co-worker a while later, they were told that the policeman had died a few nights earlier.

The Video for this script is below.

Thank you for reading, have a good day.

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